As the Troupe moves deeper into the Cloakwood, Jaheira warns that this part of the wood is infested with ettercaps and spiders. They encounter Tiber, who asks them to seek out his brother, Chelak. Chelak foolishly went into the forest with a magical sword, believing he would leave a hero.
Wat Xiengthong, Luang Prabang
Luang Prabang is home to dozens of temples, with one on practically every corner. It is easy to spend a day exploring the many temples in the city and still have many left unvisited. We took the time to explore Wat Xiengthong, one of the larger temples in Old Town.
Failed Conquest of Quebec
The Total War series has been a staple of slow, realistic war games since Shogun: Total War came out in the year 2000. Since then there have been numerous titles in the series, each set in different periods of time.
Porting Things to the Past
A while ago someone asked me to port Bok’s Banging Butterflies to 1.18.2. I made an attempt and failed due to the numerous changes in the code between Minecraft versions. This week I decided to take another look at it, determined to actually create a build that would work.
The Problem of Social Media
Social media is becoming something of a controversial thing of late. From Cambridge Analytica manipulating algorithms, to the self-destruction of Twitter, and the removal of anything DEI after Trump’s inauguration. Lately I’ve been trying to move on to new things, but where can we go from here.
The Wild Elf Hunter’s Quest
The Troupe helped the Druids of the Cloakwood defend themselves against hunters that murdered one of their kin. Seniyad, the leader of the Druids, then enlisted Jaheira’s help to find two druids who may have been captured by Shadow Druids deeper in the forest.
Morning Alms Giving Ceremony
Sai Bat, or Morning Alms, is a traditional ceremony practised in Luang Prabang every morning. Monks will walk down the streets accepting offerings of food from both locals and visitors.
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
Have you ever tried to communicate with a ghost to solve their murder? In Mysterium, that’s exactly what you do; only instead of words, the ghost communicates through cryptic visions. It’s a fantastic concept for a board game, blending deduction with eerie, dreamlike imagery.
A New Way to Study Butterflies
Last week I started working on the Butterfly Microscope, a block that would allow players to learn more about butterflies and craft butterfly books. This week I finished implementing it, and made a new release so people can play with new block already.
The Death That Made Star Trek
The first season of The Next Generation is generally considered one of the weakest in the series, leading many fans to recommend skipping it altogether. Among its missteps, one moment is often singled out: the abrupt and seemingly meaningless death of Tasha Yar.