Month: May 2024

What Makes a Great Rivalry?

X-Men ’97 is finally over and what a ride it was. Every character got their own arc and a chance to shine as the series went on. I’ve always found the rivalry between Xavier and Magneto to be the core of the X-Men story.

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The Temple of Restenford

Though they have slain the bandit leader in Bald Hill, the area is still infested with bandits. Rose leads the Troupe back to the hill so they can clear the area of any remaining bandits, and find the supplies Almax and his family are missing.

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Adding the Peacock Butterfly

I plan to add more butterflies in the future, so I wanted to gauge how much work that would be. This can also serve as a step-by-step to adding new butterfly species to the mod. So I’m adding a 17th variant: the Peacock Butterfly.

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Better Looking Minecraft Avatars

There are a few mods I use to make Steve (or whatever you call your Minecraft character) look better. As with other mods I’ve reviewed, these are simple, client-side mods that add extra touches to the game without changing anything about the gameplay.

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