After spending a few days in Restenford, Aegon and Rose have assembled a new party to once again return to the Bandit Camp. They stand before Tazok’s tent, visions of death swirling in Aegon’s mind. They don’t know what they will encounter inside, but this time they will be prepared.
18 Flamerule 1368
We stand outside Tazok’s tent once again. Last time I had visions of death swirling in my mind. They are back again. But I think I can see a path to victory this time.

Preparation is key. Rose and I go through the scrolls we gathered in Restenford. There were some very powerful ones. We may not be able to scribe them to our spellbooks, but we can use them in the coming fight.

Morwen and I prepare defensive spells and I summon Corellon’s Spiritual Hammer ready to use as soon as we walk inside.

We remember how the giant skeleton warriors would inspire fear in Bone Hill. Some of the scrolls we took from the Wraith allow us to summon them. Even one of these could cause enough chaos to win the fight. I am tentative to use necromancy, knowing how crazy such wizards usually are, but there may not be another way.

Rose and I drink Potions of Speed so we can act quickly. Morwen, Rasaad, and Kagain are less experienced and vulnerable. They swallow Potions of Invisibility to conceal themselves as they enter the tent. Stealth will be a huge advantage here.

Cat is also vulnerable, and if he dies, I go with him. I pick him up and put him in my backpack for safe keeping.

Aegon: Come here. I want to pick you up and put you in my pack, where it’s a bit safer.
The familiar eyes my pack for a moment, and then reluctantly crawls inside.
Cat: Very well. It is better that you carry me. Do not bump me around so much this time, however.
I’m still unsure about this. I still sense death inside the tent. But we’ve come this far. It’s time to go inside.

Aegon: Then come at me, for I’ve no intention of turning back.
Raemon: Ye’re dead, little worms!
Several bows point our direction. Their mage’s protections fly in from the Weave. He is protected against missiles. Arrows already flying toward us, I hit them with the last charge in my Wand of Fear, then Rose and I start summoning the skeleton warriors.

Arrows are already hitting us as a giant skeleton starts to rise out of the ground. Its presence already has the mage running scared.

Minsc hits one of the bandits so hard his armour breaks apart. They tainted the iron, now they reap what they sow.

I fail to summon a second skeleton warrior so I attempt to use a scroll to pull skeletons out of the bandits instead. Bassilus was crazy to do what he did, but these bandits deserve this.

Demonic power rises from the floorboards, and an arrow strikes a berserk Minsc clean through his neck. His body collapses to the ground.

Morwen, Rasaad, and Kagain join the fight, aiming their weapons at the hobgoblin archer that took down Minsc.

The poison in Morwen’s arrows finishes off the archer.

The mage manages to overcome his fear, and starts talking to the Weave.

We turn our attention to the mage. We cannot let him turn the tide of this fight. I attempt to Dispel his magical protections.

Two more hobgoblin archers appear before us. He is bringing in reinforcements!

The new hobgoblins panic as soon as they see the skeleton warrior. The mage’s magical protections wear off. We have him backed into a corner now.

Before they can get close, the mage manages to knock Rasaad and Rose unconscious with his spells.

Then the skeleton warrior cuts him in twain.

It becomes a surgery after that. We start to cut out the strongest parts of the panicking bandits.

They put up a decent fight despite their unnatural fear, but we have enough healing to stay alive.

We kill the leader who threatened us when we first entered the tent.

Then we slowly pick off the rest of them.

The tent becomes a slaughterhouse. Bodies hit the floor in all directions.

Until there are no more bandits to kill.

Morwen feels like she is a better fighter after being part of the slaughter.

She gets an increased save against Breath Weapons, an increased THAC0, and 3 more Hit Points.
Kagain feels like he is remembering his fighting days before he became a merchant.

His Breath Weapon saving throw is improved, his Death saving throw improves by two points, and his Wand and Spells saving throws improve by three points. He also gets and increased THAC0, 10 more Hit Points, and one more point of Lore.
Rasaad finds Boo scuttling around Minsc’s corpse. He picks up the rodent and holds onto it until we can get Minsc to a priest. I let cat out of the bag again, and as soon as I do he spots a trap.

Cat is able to disarm the trap as we start to loot and scalp the bodies that now fill the room. We find many gems among the corpses, as well as a couple of Potions of Invisibility, and a Potion of Stone Giant Strength.

The mage carried a couple of Potions of Healing and was wearing a Robe of Fire Resistance.

He carries some darts he would probably have fallen back on if he used up all his magical power.

As well as some enchanted darts that can stun opponents when they are hit.

His weapons also include a couple of enchanted melee weapons we cannot identify. One is a quarterstaff.

The other a long sword with an orange blade.

He also carries a collection of scrolls, including Color Spray, which Morwen fails to copy into her spellbook.

He has a Scroll of Chromatic Orb, but Rose, Morwen and I already have this one in our spellbooks.

Rose tries to copy the Scroll of Monster Summoning, but also fails in her attempt.

The Scroll of Spell Thrust is a little more advanced, so we store this in my scroll case until we improve our connection to the Weave.

He has several more scrolls of powerful magic, including a spell to invoke a disruptive lance.

And also a spell that can drain the life of someone in the same way a vampire would.

The mage also carries Potions of Mirrored Eyes and Extra Healing. These should help us if we ever need to fight basilisks again. He also has a Potion of Magic Shielding that can protect from offensive spells.

The archers laying around wear splint mail and carry bows. They have enchanted arrows as well as Arrows of Ice. Morwen takes the arrows for her collection.

The bandit leader himself wore some enchanted studded leather armour.

He also carries a wand we can’t identify, though it looks familiar…

He carries a scroll to protect from the cold. Likely because his lackeys are using Arrows of Ice.

He also, surprisingly, carries a Scroll of Stinking Cloud. Rose attempts to write this one to her spellbook, but she fails as usual.

We find a ring on his finger, though it seems uninteresting.

He carries a longbow, which we also cannot identify.

His melee weapon was an enchanted bastard sword.

The rest of the bandits carry similar arrows and a couple of Potions of Speed. The gnoll bandit was carrying an enchanted long sword.

It also has another sword, one that also feels familiar…

We realise that one of the bodies is still alive, cowering in the corner. Rose goes over to talk to him.

Rose: Time for what? Explain yourself.
Ender Sai: My execution, what do you think? You’re not with him, are you, though? No, I’d smell his rancid breath on you if you were.
Rose: You’re right, we’re not Tazok’s lackeys. What’s going on here?
Ender Sai: Aye, you’re not… Well, this whole place is dirty to the core, that’s what’s going on. These aren’t your ordinary bandits. They’re part Blacktalons and part Chill, Chill being a demihuman band, mostly hobgoblins, and led by that creepy smart one, Ardenor Crush. There be others elsewhere, like that priest Mulahey sent to poison the mines of Nashkel. Set himself up as a kobold god returned and legions of the brainless barking fools believed him, ready to do his bidding till death do they part…
Rose: Mulahey’s dead. He was working for Tazok, I understand. Question is, who’s Tazok working for?
Ender Sai: That’s the trick, see? Crush and Taurgosz Khosann, leader of the Blacktalons, both think he’s getting orders from the Zhents, and Tazok doesn’t do much to discourage that partuicular line of thinking. But the Blacktalons and the Chill are bandit groups, see? They ply the trade routes, avoid the cities, and that’s where they go wrong. I’m from the Gate, and I can tell you dead as leather that the Zhentarim aren’t behind this.
Rose: How can you be so sure?
Ender Sai: A desire for silence isn’t the only reason I wear soft-soled boots. I wear ’em so I can tell whose toes I’m treading on. I don’t mess with no Zhentarim. I picked my enemies and messed with one group and one group only – the Iron Throne. And, right as rain, here I am as Tazok’s personal prisoner. You do the math.
Rose: The Iron Throne. Where can I find them?
Ender Sai: Tazok’s been making regular visits to the Cloakwood, so that’s where I’d start if I were you. There are some documents in that chest that might be worth taking a look at, too. Now go step on some toes, all right? And you can tell them Ender Sai sent you.
And… thank you.
Rose: Where are you headed?
Ender Sai: Not back to the Gate, for sure. The Throne knows my face too well.
Rose: What will you do now?
Ender Sai: I’ll make tracks for the Friendly Arms. Rest up two-three days. By Tymora’s Fickle Hands I will *take a bath*. Whatever your reasons, I owe you a debt. Come see me if you want to settle up.
He leaves the tent, ensuring his face is covered as he slinks out. There are still bandits out there. I hope he can sneak past them unharmed.
The Iron Throne. That’s the second time we’ve heard them mentioned. We need to find them. Perhaps we will in the Cloakwood to the west. I’ve read that it is infested with spiders, however.
We search the rest of the tent and find some coins hidden in a couple of sacks around the tent. We also find a potion that can remove any magic effects from whoever consumes it.

We check the chest that Cat disarmed and find over 2000 coins, as well as several scrolls and some gauntlets. Kagain takes the gauntlets to improve his skill with his axe.

The scrolls include another of Melf’s Fiery Missiles.

Another Stinking Cloud scroll that Rose successfully copies this time. There is a scroll of Horror that could be a good replacement for the Wand I used up during the fight. Unfortunately I fail to copy it.

I do manage to copy the last scroll, one that can summon a snow storm.

The letters are both addressed to Tazok from someone known as Davaeorn. We haven’t heard of this person yet. There seem to be even more people involved in this conspiracy. The first letter mentions us, and one of the assassins sent after us.

The second talks about stockpiling iron, and gives us a new name. Sarevok. He seems to be in charge of both Tazok and Davaeorn. Is he from this Iron Throne?

And Chapter 4 begins….
After finding the bandits responsible, Kagain starts to lose it a little.

Aegon: Do you suppose there is a connection between these bandits and the iron raiders?
Kagain: Nah. Weren’t shippin’ no iron. These here jackals musta come snufflin’ around th’ blood them iron crews’ve shed.
Aegon: In that case, our goals are the same. We can continue to pursue the bandits and their masters together if you would.
Kagain: So says I. Ye be at least as fine a target fer they arrows ‘n’ spells as what I am.
Now that things are decided we turn back to the tent’s entrance. The rest of the bandits are out there. They must know what we have done by now. They are waiting for us. I ready my sling. Kagain raises his crossbow. We walk toward the light…