Fallout is a classic video game and shares its DNA with the Baldur’s Gate series of games. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, it tells stories of the survivors of Mutually Assured Destruction. It spawned a series of games, and now it has spawned a fantastic TV series.
Bok McDonagh
Caverns Beneath Bone Hill
The troupe have defeated the Wraith and its minions with Bone Hill Castle, preventing an invasion of Restenford. However, the motivations of the Wraith are still unclear. Perhaps they can find answers within the caverns they uncovered beneath the Castle.
Magic Ma Studio Exhibition
For many years Magic Ma has been the artist that designed the effigies at Dragon Burn. He’s becoming an ever more popular artist, showcasing his work in China and in Burning Man.
Experimenting with Banana
There’s a weird game that’s managed to become Steam’s most played. At the time of writing it still sits at number 4. This game feels like a scam, like something that preys on people who want money.
The Butterfly’s Final Goals
I’m getting close to finishing version 4 of Bok’s Butterflies. I just need to cross some Is and dot some Ts. A couple of new goals and a bugfix or two, then port the mod to all supported versions, and it’s ready for release.
Noodles Too Hot for Denmark
Recently, Denmark recalled a brand of Korean ramen for being too spicy. At the time I read about this I was on Koh Tao, and I noticed the 7-11 nearby was selling this specific brand.
What Lies Beneath Bone Hill
The Troupe made it to the center of Bone Hill Castle and defeated the mage, Telvar, who was leading the hobgoblins. Though they may have thwarted an attack on Restenford, Telvar’s journal has revealed that a mysterious entity known only as “The Wraith” is giving the orders.
A Burn at the Unburn 2024
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dragon Burn 2024 was cancelled. This didn’t stop us from camping out for the long weekend, however. A smaller group of us set ourselves up at the campsite and enjoyed a small pop-up Unburn instead.
Labyrinthine Dreams
This week I played a puzzle game full of mazes, made using RPG Maker, a popular tool used to make JRPG-style games. It’s short and easily completed. But I’m not so sure it’s worth spending an hour or two of your life to play through this one.
Pollinating Flowers with AI
This week I introduced a new system to the Butterfly mod. Since butterflies like to pollinate flowers in real life, I’ve added a system where they can do the same in Minecraft. A lot of thought went into this system so it doesn’t unbalance the game too much.