Occasionally I will mess about with ChatGPT to see what it can do. I’ve learned that the plagiaristic algorithm is pretty bad at writing simple Python scripts, editing text, and overall just bad at all the things it’s not designed to do.
Bok McDonagh
The Magic User in the Middle
The Troupe continue their assault on Bone Hill Castle, which is overrun by highly organised hobgoblins. The Troupe seeks out the leader of the hobgoblins, hoping to learn what is behind the occupation of the castle and to ensure the nearby town of Restenford is safe.
The Answer I Couldn’t Find
I’ve been an atheist for as long as I can remember. I would, however, describe my younger self as an “anti-theist”: vehemently opposed to anything religion. During that time I read a lot of scripture and mythology, seeking an answer I still haven’t found to this day.
Kathy Rain and Letting Go
Another point-and-click adventure, this one with a more adult and darker theme. A student learns of her grandfather’s death, and on attending his funeral is sucked into a mystery that consumes a small town in America.
Very Intelligent Butterflies
Butterflies aren’t very smart in real life. But they are smarter than the butterflies currently implemented in the Butterfly Mod. So I’ve started implementing new goals for the butterfly’s AI to make them behave just a bit smarter than they have been so far.
Tragedy of the Baldur’s Gate Intro
When the Enhanced Editions of Baldur’s Gate were announced, there was one thing they said that worried long time fans. When they came out and I saw what they had done I was very sad. There was one experience removed from the game that I wish they had done better.
Bone Hill Castle, Interior
The Troupe, investigating rumours of hobgoblins building an encampment, have made their way to Bone Hill Castle. After clearing the castle walls of hobgoblin warriors, they now make their way inside the castle to face what lies within.
Art That They Made For Me
I had a surprising encounter at an art gallery in Xi’an. I’ve always been a fan of interactive art, it’s part of the reason I helped run a Burn in China.
Proving Myself to the Gods
After her untimely death, Thora sought to prove herself to the gods so that she may enter Valhalla. Exploring the realms of Norse purgatory, she earned gifts from the gods and fought the Jotun of old.
Butterflies Float Like a Bee
Butterflies aren’t smart. At least in the Butterfly mod they aren’t. Minecraft has an AI system that I haven’t taken advantage of so far. However, I’m planning on introducing some new behaviour to the butterflies, so it’s time to evolve.