The Troupe, still trapped in Restenford, continue to try and solve the troubles in the area. They have learned of bandits to the north of the nearby farmland have been blocking deliveries to the town.
Bok McDonagh
Drinking Culture in Xi’an
Li Bai would often show up drunk to the Emperor’s court in Chang’An (modern day Xi’an), but would still be able to perform his duties. He so impressed the Tang Dynasty’s Emperor that he is now a symbol of the city of Xi’an.
Secrets of Haiku, the Robot
As I’ve finished Haiku, the Robot, I started exploring a little more to learn some of its secrets. I’ve finally 100 percented the game, but there’s still a bit more to this game, as well as a challenge I may take on in the near future.
Better Looking Minecraft Avatars
There are a few mods I use to make Steve (or whatever you call your Minecraft character) look better. As with other mods I’ve reviewed, these are simple, client-side mods that add extra touches to the game without changing anything about the gameplay.
Search for The Invisible Bar
I had a weird dream the other day. I guess all dreams are weird. I fell asleep listening to a video about invisible walls in Super Mario 64 and it must have inspired the bizarre adventure I went on in my slumber.
Almax’ Shrine and Sir Billybob’s Farm
Still trapped in Restenford, Aegon and the Troupe still have only rumours as to the troubles plaguing the town.
I Finally Saw the Terracotta Army
If you’re a tourist in Xi’an, there’s one thing you absolutely have to do. Not necessarily because it’s good fun, but because it’s there.
I “Finished” Haiku, The Robot
I finally found what was inside the Mainframe. I went inside and I defeated it. I had finished the game. A small uneventful cutscene played. The credits started rolling. The game was over. I had reached the end and finished the game. Or, so I thought.
Just Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Are Minecraft wolves truly wolves or wild dogs? There is a simple mod that will provide a hint on how to answer that question. And it may also make you care about your dogs just a little bit more.
Numberphile and Computerphile
Educational channels were all the rage at one point, and these are two of the best. Regularly posted content breaks down complex mathematics, computer history, and technology in ways that a layman can understand them.