This week I merged a change consisting of over 200 files. It’s probably the largest change I’ve made since the project began, and yet it doesn’t actually introduce anything new. Instead, it fixes a mistake I made when I first created the mod.
Bok McDonagh
How Picard Should Have Ended
I’m probably beating a dead horse at this point, but I can’t get this out of my head. Star Trek: Picard had a chance to do something amazing with its ending. Something which I swear was being set up by everything in the show up to that point.
Infiltrating the Bandit Camp
Drake and Aegon have managed to convince the bandits that they wish to join them. They have been given full run of the Bandit Camp, where many of the leaders are present.
The Liar and the Businessman
When I first moved to Shanghai I didn’t have many friends. But after a short while I started to become part of a small social group. One of these friends was rather unusual. He could knock back pints like the best of them, and he was a compulsive liar.
Felix the Reaper: Dancer of Death
This week I play a challenging romantic comedy about death. A puzzle game where you are a dancing reaper, ensuring that the right people die, and die in the right way. With narration by the great Patrick Stewart, what’s not to like.
Butterfly Eggs Done Right
Early on in the mod’s development I made a couple of missteps. I was less experienced and didn’t fully understand how Minecraft works, so I made some design choices that have proven to be problematic.
Removing the Sexism IS the Misstep
Before the live action Avatar series came out, Kiawentiio (Katara) and Ian Ousley (Sokka) commented in an interview that Sokka’s sexism wouldn’t be present in the series. They said that moments were he made sexist comments were ‘iffy’ and wouldn’t work in the live action reimagining.
Poetry, History, and Banditry
Aegon and his troupe are wandering Peldvale, seeking out the bandits’ base of operations. Among the lakes of the forest they have encountered a small group of poets, and are now taking some time to enjoy their poetry.
China’s White Paper Protests
After a building in Xinjiang was set on fire during the lockdown, DaBai refused to let fire fighters get close to the building. As a result, the building burned down killing everyone inside. By choosing to enforce quarantine measures over safety, the officials let those people die.
Eliza: When (No) Choice Matters
This is probably the most important game I’ve ever played. It’s the most important game you will ever play. It touches on themes that are even more relevant now than 2019, the year it was released, in particular the uses of AI and it’s moral implications.