Bok McDonagh

I am Bok, a British-born expat living in China. I was born in Lancashire but identify as a 'plassie-Scouser'. I spent my youth growing up in Cumbria. Here I developed a great taste for exploration, climbing mountains and camping in the wilderness - a taste for travel that has defined my life.

War of the Paladins (and a Chicken)

The Troupe helped Isra save Prism by defeating the bounty hunter Greywolf. Now they shall enter the Nashkel Mines in an attempt to solve the mining crisis. If they can solve this problem, then perhaps Braegar will finally calm his nerves.

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Cats: The Butterfly’s Natural Enemy

I wanted to have some interaction between butterflies and vanilla entities to make them feel like part of the Minecraft world. An easy way to have an entity interact is to make butterflies the target of a predator. Our furry friends seemed like the best candidate for this.

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