Though on opposite sides, Kurt and Harry prepare to go over-the-top at Passchendaele. The Allies intend to gas the Germans out, but they have prepared gas masks as a defence. I continue my attempt to play all games in my Steam library with a fourth part of this Let’s Play.
Bok McDonagh
Laying Butterfly Eggs in Leaves
Butterflies lay eggs that eventually become caterpillars. Caterpillars then feed on leaves until they are fat enough to become a chrysalis. Finally, they morph into a butterfly before breaking out of the chrysalis. The next step for our mod is to implement butterfly eggs.
Sherlock Holmes: The First Superhero
Last weekend I visited Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival, and I got to see Tim Marriot perform Watson: The Final Problem. A version of the classic story performed entirely in monologue. It was a fantastic show that brought Watson to life.
Moving on to the Next Life
Aegon’s Troupe has cleared out the Gnoll Stronghold, but they must return one last time. Aaron waits for a ring that was taken from him by his captors. After talking to one of the men who hurt Vienxay, the Troupe leaves Nashkel for another journey to the west.
Our First Dog and Our First Cat
Perhaps one of the worst periods of my life was after I turned 17. I was in Cumbria, studying in sixth form. I was thinking about what to study at to university, about what I would do with my future.
11-11 Memories Retold: Part Three
Our journey through My Steam Library continues. After realising the true nature of war, Kurt and Harry have finally met beneath the trenches of Vimy. We now enter into the second part of their story.
Bottling Butterflies in a Jar
Butterfly nets can only hold one butterfly at a time, and we can’t do anything with them once caught. We will add a new way to interact with them: moving them to jars so they can be put on display.
Banging Jacket Potatoes
One of the best and easiest meals to make is the humble baked potato. It’s the perfect student meal and an easy meal to make, even if it can take a long time.
Saving the Witch, Dynaheir
The Troupe rescued Aaron from the Gnoll Stronghold, but he has asked them to find a ring that was stolen from him by one of his gnoll captors. The Troupe also needs to find Minsc’s witch, Dynaheir. Edwin believes she is dangerous, but they shall see the truth soon enough.
Addendum: Blog Posts May Be Related
In a previous post I showed how I developed the “related posts” feature on this site, as well as the CSS I used to make it look nice.