It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally gotten around to it. Bok’s Banging Butterflies now supports NeoForge 1.21.1. This means you can add butterflies to a Minecraft world that has almost all of the latest features in Minecraft. It wasn’t easy.
Minecraft Modding
Tutorials on how to create new things in Minecraft
How to Report a (Butterfly) Bug
Bug reports help modders fix issues and improve their mods. Whether your game crashes, an item behaves incorrectly, or something just seems off, reporting the issue properly ensures it gets fixed faster. This guide explains how to write an effective bug report.
Porting Things to the Past
A while ago someone asked me to port Bok’s Banging Butterflies to 1.18.2. I made an attempt and failed due to the numerous changes in the code between Minecraft versions. This week I decided to take another look at it, determined to actually create a build that would work.
A New Way to Study Butterflies
Last week I started working on the Butterfly Microscope, a block that would allow players to learn more about butterflies and craft butterfly books. This week I finished implementing it, and made a new release so people can play with new block already.
A New Butterfly Microscope
This week I’ve been working on a new block that should help fix the issues with crafting a Butterfly Book. The new block will allow players to learn about butterflies without having to craft the book, but it will also allow players to add and remove pages to Butterfly Books.
Forgetting to Synchronise
A small update this week about yet another bug fix. This time there was an issue with the 1.20.1 version not synchronising its butterfly data properly. These kinds of problems will crop up from time to time when porting the mod over different versions of the game.
Bug Fixes and Lessons Learned
The days following a mod release are always hectic, and this past week was no exception. As much as I’d love to kick back and enjoy the positive feedback, there are always bugs to fix, and this release had its fair share.
v6.0.0: The Villager Release
It’s a New Year so it’s a new version of the mod. This week I’ve finally released version 6 of Bok’s Banging Butterflies. Now everyone can play with the new features I’ve been working on for the last several months.
A Festive Flutter for Christmas
After unwrapping presents and gorging on roast dinners, I thought it was time to bring some Christmas magic to Bok’s Banging Butterflies. The new butterfly would look different at Christmas, providing another small Easter Egg (or should I say “Christmas Gift?”) for players to discover.
Living on the Edge of Leaves
Last week I fixed a bug related to butterflies landing by rendering debug information in the world. This week I use that same concept to fix another bug. This time, it’s the caterpillars that are behaving badly and living on the edge.