Created by Seth McFarlane, The Orville is heavily inspired by Star Trek, especially The Next Generation. Sold primarily as a comedy, it was intended to be a serious show from the beginning.
Sometimes I talk about stuff other people have made.
The Joy of Toy Collections
I’m probably the least materialistic person I know. I hate having stuff. I’m always trying to get rid of everything I own. Not in a “relinquish your Earthly tethers” kind of way, I’m just not someone who likes to be burdened with things.
Red Dwarf: Continuity Matters?
I recently did a rewatch of Red Dwarf from start to finish. I watched it religiously as a kid, but I never really watched any of the later series produced by Dave (a TV channel, not a person).
Video Games as Literature
The last couple of YouTubers I talked about produced a lot about video games. But the reason I highlighted them was down to their non-video game content. Today I want to recommend a YouTuber based on his actual video game content.
H.Bomberguy’s Massive Rants
H.Bomberguy is another also started out talking mostly about video games. Lately he’s been creating documentaries disguised as video rants that have levelled up his channel, covering topics from autism to plagiarism to flat earth. Now, instead of being merely entertaining, he’s an objectively good YouTuber.
Folding Ideas into Documentaries
Folding Ideas is a YouTube channel I’ve been following for a while. Recently its produced some of the best documentaries you will find on YouTube, making it one of the best channels to watch. Well, at least in my opinion it is.
Cracking Pandemic Puzzles
Watching videos on YouTube can often feel like a waste of time. You have to sift through a lot of crap to get to the good stuff, and what is considered good to watch is, of course, subjective.
Faust: A Dated Love Story
During the Bram Stoker Festival in Dublin, we went to the Pepper Canister Church for a screening of Faust. It’s a film you always hear about, one you always intend to watch, but also one you never get around to see.
Give Up Plastic, Save the World
How to Give Up Plastic, a book by Will McCallum, is a guide to the problem of single-use plastic and how to solve it. Our throwaway culture has led to a crisis that is killing birds, destroying sea life, and is even poisoning humans.
The Trilogy Before Boyhood
Boyhood is a somewhat experimental film by Richard Linklater. It tells the story of a boy growing over the course of 12 years. Rather than use different actors, Linklater filmed it over 12 years, using the same actors so they would age naturally on screen.