The first season of The Next Generation is generally considered one of the weakest in the series, leading many fans to recommend skipping it altogether. Among its missteps, one moment is often singled out: the abrupt and seemingly meaningless death of Tasha Yar.
TV Series
I talk about stuff we watch on the box.
Mr. Robot: I am Elliot Alderson
One year I was flying back to Shanghai from Burning Man and I was browsing the in-flight entertainment. I found a show that featured a character that seemed eerily familiar. There was something buzzing in the back of my brain when I watched it.
Devs: Exposition, Exposition
Devs is a show created by Alex Garland about a secretive tech company that has developed a way to predict the future. Nick Offerman plays a lead role in this story about free will versus determination. Does free will exist, or is everything predetermined.
The Boys are Back in Town
Season 4 of The Boys is over. Despite some turbulence in the latter half, the series still managed to stick the landing. It’s a gory, swear-word filled ride to an ending that will leave you praying for the final series to come out a lot sooner.
Fallout’s Ending Terrified Me
Fallout is a classic video game and shares its DNA with the Baldur’s Gate series of games. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, it tells stories of the survivors of Mutually Assured Destruction. It spawned a series of games, and now it has spawned a fantastic TV series.
Star Trek is Humanity’s Mirror
The series that spawned modern day Star Trek is over. It probably wasn’t the best series of Trek ever developed, but it still had its moments. But none can deny that if it wasn’t for Discovery we wouldn’t be having the Trek resurgence we have today.
What Makes a Great Rivalry?
X-Men ’97 is finally over and what a ride it was. Every character got their own arc and a chance to shine as the series went on. I’ve always found the rivalry between Xavier and Magneto to be the core of the X-Men story.
X-Men ’97: Do You ‘Member?
When Marvel Studios first announced X-Men ’97 I was cautiously optimistic. It seemed like an odd choice to continue a series that ended last century, and (to me at least) it felt like yet more nostalgia bait.
Discovery Gets the Mystery Right
The final series of Discovery is airing right now. I’ve always had an issue with the storytelling in certain nuTrek series. I’ve talked a lot about this with Picard, but Discovery, while a better series, has had the same mystery box since the beginning.
How Picard Should Have Ended
I’m probably beating a dead horse at this point, but I can’t get this out of my head. Star Trek: Picard had a chance to do something amazing with its ending. Something which I swear was being set up by everything in the show up to that point.