The Troupe continue their assault on Bone Hill Castle, which is overrun by highly organised hobgoblins. The Troupe seeks out the leader of the hobgoblins, hoping to learn what is behind the occupation of the castle and to ensure the nearby town of Restenford is safe.
Video Games
I do this for a living and for fun.
Kathy Rain and Letting Go
Another point-and-click adventure, this one with a more adult and darker theme. A student learns of her grandfather’s death, and on attending his funeral is sucked into a mystery that consumes a small town in America.
Tragedy of the Baldur’s Gate Intro
When the Enhanced Editions of Baldur’s Gate were announced, there was one thing they said that worried long time fans. When they came out and I saw what they had done I was very sad. There was one experience removed from the game that I wish they had done better.
Bone Hill Castle, Interior
The Troupe, investigating rumours of hobgoblins building an encampment, have made their way to Bone Hill Castle. After clearing the castle walls of hobgoblin warriors, they now make their way inside the castle to face what lies within.
Proving Myself to the Gods
After her untimely death, Thora sought to prove herself to the gods so that she may enter Valhalla. Exploring the realms of Norse purgatory, she earned gifts from the gods and fought the Jotun of old.
Assault on Bone Hill Castle
During their travels in the Reddy Forest the Troupe heard rumours of hobgoblins setting up camp in a Bone Hill Castle. Worried that the hobgoblin fort may lead to more troubles for the town, the Troupe sets off to investigate the castle and see if the rumours are true.
Killing Jotuns One By One
This week I’ve been making progress in Jotun: Valhalla Edition. I’ve completed every level, and collected all the golden apples and skills. Now I just need to kill the Jotuns. After killing the first Jotun, I learned something new about this game and the story it intends to tell.
Searching for Ranger Martin
The Troupe, having cleared away the gnolls of Tri-Top, move on to their next quest. Almax has asked them to find the ranger Martin, who he lost contact with in the Reddy Forest.
Jotun /// Valhalla Edition
I started playing Jotun, a game that is based on Norse mythology. You play Thora, a dead viking, who must prove herself to the gods so she can enter Valhalla. Doing this means exploring the Nine Realms, finding runes, and defeating giants.
Disorganising of the Gnolls
The Troupe leaves the town of Restenford for the first time. They make their way toward Tri-Top, the source of the gnoll attacks. Somehow their assaults on the towns defenses have become more frequent and better organised, and the Troupe has been tasked to find out why.