Video Games

I do this for a living and for fun.


Beneath the Nashkel Mines

The Troupe has descended into the Nashkel Mines and discovered that kobolds have been poisoning the ore. Beneath the mines they met a sentient ooze wanting to stop the poisons harming its kin. Together, they enter the tunnels built by the kobolds under the iron mine.

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Bad North: Jotunn Edition

I find yet another roguelite game (they seem to be the trend so far) in my Steam Library. This time it’s a simple strategy game where you defend your home against Viking invaders. Short and sweet, but there is a little more depth to this game than it first seems.

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Further Expeditions to the Mines

After an expedition into the Nashkel Mines, the Troupe was forced to retreat back to the surface to rest. Scores of traps and kobolds lay beneath the mines past the carts filled with poisoned ore.

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Deep in the Nashkel Mines

Aegon’s Troupe have descended into the Nashkel Mines, learning that Kobolds have been poisoning the ore. Their motives, however, remain a mystery. The party goes deeper into the dark, hoping only to find answers in the mines.

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Girdle of Gender Nonconformity

It’s the holiday week so I don’t have much time to play Baldur’s Gate right now. So I thought I’d do a quick article about one aspect I really like about Baldur’s Gate’s design. It’s one you don’t even know is there unless you specifically look for it.

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Rogue Tower: My Most Played Game

Outside of what I’ve been writing about on here, it turns out I’ve played a lot of games this year. More than I expected, in fact. According to Steam, I played 32 different games this year. And I’m a little surprised at which games I played the most.

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