These are checklists to be used when adding new features to Minecraft. They won’t cover all cases, but they can serve as a useful reminder of the steps needed to add one of these features.

These are the steps I go through to add a new block in Minecraft using Forge. Some blocks are more complicated than others, so there will usually be some variation depending on what exactly you want the block to be able to do.

These are the steps you need to follow if you want to add a butterfly to Bok’s Banging Butterflies. At the time of writing you need to build from the source code, so this can’t be done from the client-side alone.

After blocks, items are probably the most likely thing to be added to the game. There are a few steps involved in adding an item, and it’s often easy to forget a step. So this handy checklist should ensure you don’t miss anything.

Pretty much everything in Forge needs to be registered: blocks, items, entities, and so on. This is how I create a new registry whenever I want to have a class handle a new object. I try to avoid creating globals when I do this, but other implementations may see more uses of the static keyword.

Sherd Checklist
This is the checklist I use when I want to add a new sherd. Sherds are items that can be used to create decorated pots. Each sherd adds a different pattern to the side of the pot, allowing for some unique combinations and creations.

Villager Building
These are the steps to add a new buildings to villages. Adding a new building is actually relatively simple as long as you understand how to use structure blocks.

Villager Profession Checklist
These are all the steps you need to add a new villager profession to Minecraft using Forge. At the time of writing I was using Forge for 1.20.2, but this should also apply to 1.19.2, 1.20.1, and NeoForge 1.20.4.