The Troupe makes their way through the Cloakwood, still searching for Tiber’s brother Chelak. They pull their way through ettercaps and spiders, webs and undergrowth, deeper into the wood. Each step taking them closer to Tazok, to the Iron Throne, to Gorion’s killer.
The Sunset on Phousi Hill
Said to have been moved from Sri Lanka by the Monkey King Hanuman, Phousi Hill is the highest point in Luang Prabang’s Old Town. Topped by the Wat Chom Si temple, it is a popular attraction for tourists who want to catch views of the sunset over the Mekong River.
Hitchhiker – A Mystery Game
In this interactive mystery experience, you play a hitchhiker meeting new people as you travel across American highways. With no idea where you are going, or where you came from, you will slowly unravel the mystery that defines your past.
How to Report a (Butterfly) Bug
Bug reports help modders fix issues and improve their mods. Whether your game crashes, an item behaves incorrectly, or something just seems off, reporting the issue properly ensures it gets fixed faster. This guide explains how to write an effective bug report.
Brave New World is a Movie
For Valentine’s Day, Marvel fans got a new MCU installment, Captain America: Brave New World. In this film, a new Captain America investigates a plot to assassinate the now President Ross. But does it successfully pass the shield to Sam Wilson, or does it feel like something else entirely.
Spiders of Cloakwood Falls
As the Troupe moves deeper into the Cloakwood, Jaheira warns that this part of the wood is infested with ettercaps and spiders. They encounter Tiber, who asks them to seek out his brother, Chelak. Chelak foolishly went into the forest with a magical sword, believing he would leave a hero.
Wat Xiengthong, Luang Prabang
Luang Prabang is home to dozens of temples, with one on practically every corner. It is easy to spend a day exploring the many temples in the city and still have many left unvisited. We took the time to explore Wat Xiengthong, one of the larger temples in Old Town.
Failed Conquest of Quebec
The Total War series has been a staple of slow, realistic war games since Shogun: Total War came out in the year 2000. Since then there have been numerous titles in the series, each set in different periods of time.
Porting Things to the Past
A while ago someone asked me to port Bok’s Banging Butterflies to 1.18.2. I made an attempt and failed due to the numerous changes in the code between Minecraft versions. This week I decided to take another look at it, determined to actually create a build that would work.
The Problem of Social Media
Social media is becoming something of a controversial thing of late. From Cambridge Analytica manipulating algorithms, to the self-destruction of Twitter, and the removal of anything DEI after Trump’s inauguration. Lately I’ve been trying to move on to new things, but where can we go from here.