The Problem of Social Media

Social media is becoming something of a controversial thing of late. From Cambridge Analytica manipulating algorithms, to the self-destruction of Twitter, and the removal of anything DEI after Trump’s inauguration. Lately I’ve been trying to move on to new things, but where can we go from here.

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The Wild Elf Hunter’s Quest

The Troupe helped the Druids of the Cloakwood defend themselves against hunters that murdered one of their kin. Seniyad, the leader of the Druids, then enlisted Jaheira’s help to find two druids who may have been captured by Shadow Druids deeper in the forest.

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The Druids of the Cloakwood

Aegon leads the Troupe to the Cloakwood in pursuit of Tazok. They learn that the Iron Throne has a facility in the forest where they hold prisoners. They meet some hunters in the forest who murdered a druid, and are now poised to help the druids defend their home.

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A New Butterfly Microscope

This week I’ve been working on a new block that should help fix the issues with crafting a Butterfly Book. The new block will allow players to learn about butterflies without having to craft the book, but it will also allow players to add and remove pages to Butterfly Books.

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