Okay, let’s try this again. I’ve gone back and reinstalled EET from scratch with a shed-ton of mods. I’ve had a quick playthrough and rushed to both the Friendly Arm Inn and Beregost.
Baldur’s Gate
The most epic trilogy in video game form ever written.
Blood, Belts, and Bandits
Ring Hunters
4 Mirtul 1368
We figure that the hobgoblins are probably attacking people on the path. We go outside the walls and follow it north. Sure enough we come across some hobgoblins.
New Old Friends
4 Mirtul 1368
The elves notice my approach. Up close I realise they are actually half-elves.
Friendly Arm Inn
Coast Way
4 Mirtul 1368
Night falls as we travel, but we don’t stop. We want to get to the Friendly Arm Inn as soon as we can. We make our way towards the Coast Way.
Lion’s Way
3 Mirtul 1368
After the burial we come across some more equipment from the thugs that ambushed me and my father the night before.
On the Road
Saying Goodbye
2 Mirtul 1368
I decide to walk through the Inner Grounds to get back to the Inn. On my way I literally bump into a gnome reciting some music.
Sad Tales
2 Mirtul, 1368
Gameplay NoteI’m going to skip Obe the Illusionist since it’s just a tutorial. I had a look and there’s nothing new in there anyway.
On my way to the barracks I walk past the Infirmary.