With a busy Christmas week I’ve not had much time for more complex games. So in-between present unwrapping and the consumption of too much food, I’ve been playing another of Studio Goya’s Sudoko games as an escape from the madness of the holiday.
Cracking the Cryptic
Champion puzzle solvers who brought back the Sudoku craze.
Thermo Sudoku: Puzzles Galore
The Pandemic and Cracking the Cryptic have led to a resurgence in Sudoku popularity, so Studio Goya teamed up with Cracking the Cryptic to bring a large collection of Sudoku puzzles.
Cracking Pandemic Puzzles
Watching videos on YouTube can often feel like a waste of time. You have to sift through a lot of crap to get to the good stuff, and what is considered good to watch is, of course, subjective.