Adding new textures to our implementation of butterflies is an easy way to add variety. However, we can strive to do better. Our ultimate goal is to have achievements for catching all butterfly varieties, but this becomes too easy when butterflies of all varieties can spawn anywhere.
A mod development kit for Minecraft.
Butterflies Part 2: The Rest of the @!#$ Owl
In Part 1 we coded a butterfly entity. Now we need to put the rest of the pieces together, so we can model, render, register, and ultimately spawn butterflies in our Minecraft world!
Every entity needs a model.
Butterflies Part 1: Entities
I’m developing my own version of a Butterfly mod for Minecraft. Naturally, one of the first features I want to implement are the butterflies themselves.
Modding Minecraft: Getting Started
The Forge website has a quick guide to getting started with modding. I’m just getting back into it, so I thought I’d walk through the steps to get a project set up with Forge.
Data Driven Donuts
I wrote an article recently about my initial attempts to data drive Minecraft. Since then I’ve made a lot of progress with the system. I can create block items, spawn eggs, armor, tools, and food. I’ve added a spell system and can now attach spells to items.