The Troupe helped the Druids of the Cloakwood defend themselves against hunters that murdered one of their kin. Seniyad, the leader of the Druids, then enlisted Jaheira’s help to find two druids who may have been captured by Shadow Druids deeper in the forest.
The foster father of Aegon, murdered by a mysterious figure.
The Druids of the Cloakwood
Aegon leads the Troupe to the Cloakwood in pursuit of Tazok. They learn that the Iron Throne has a facility in the forest where they hold prisoners. They meet some hunters in the forest who murdered a druid, and are now poised to help the druids defend their home.
Travelling In Bear Country
Rose and the Troupe start exploring the Amnian border to see what they can find. After some chance encounters in the Fire Leaf Forest, the Troupe continue westward toward the Sword Coast. Towards a village Aegon visited once before. A village full of small blue humanoids.
Detour to Fire Leaf Forest
Back in Nashkel once again, Verr’Sza and the others, even Gorion’s old friends are starting to look up to him as a leader. After clearing out the mines and defeating the leaders of the bandit camp, the Troupe needs to decide their next move.
Infiltrating the Bandit Camp
Drake and Aegon have managed to convince the bandits that they wish to join them. They have been given full run of the Bandit Camp, where many of the leaders are present.
Poetry, History, and Banditry
Aegon and his troupe are wandering Peldvale, seeking out the bandits’ base of operations. Among the lakes of the forest they have encountered a small group of poets, and are now taking some time to enjoy their poetry.
The Blacksmiths of Beregost
After clearing the Nashkel Mines of kobolds and discovering Mulahey, Aegon and his troupe make their way to Beregost. There they hope to find Tranzig, the man behind both the sabotage of the mines and the bandit troubles in the Coast.
Leaving the Keep
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It is time. I go to see my father at the Central Keep. He carries little with him for the journey – just his quarterstaff and a pack with some food.
Familiar Faces
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I have been meaning to summon a familiar for some time now. It feels right to do it now. One more thing to prepare for father’s journey.