Officer Vai

A Flaming Fist officer who put out a bounty on the bandits of the Coast.

Massacre at the Bandit Camp

Aegon and the Troupe decide to follow Tazok to the Cloakwood Forest after exploring the ruins of the Sword Coast. Their first stop is the Friendly Arm Inn where they are accosted by assassins once again. Only these were not the usual type of assassin.

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Taking a Break in Beregost

The Troupe visits High Hedge, hoping to gain some arcane insight on their way to Beregost. They seek out the Firewine Bridge Ruins, to follow up on Charleston Nib’s excavation of Kozah’s ancient society. Perhaps some of Thalantyr’s knowledge could help them on their journey.

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Poetry, History, and Banditry

Aegon and his troupe are wandering Peldvale, seeking out the bandits’ base of operations. Among the lakes of the forest they have encountered a small group of poets, and are now taking some time to enjoy their poetry.

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The Serpents of Abbathor

Aegon and his friends continue their search for those responsible for the Nashkel Mine Conspiracy. Their search has taken them to Beregost, where they tracked down Tranzig. He was only a messenger for the Tazok, the man behind the conspiracy, so the Troupe must continue their search.

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Bandit Leaders in Beregost

Aegon and his troupe have returned to Beregost, hunting those behind the sabotage of the Nashkel Mines. In their letters to Mulahey they showed a connection to the bandits on the Coast, suggesting a larger conspiracy is at play.

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The Blacksmiths of Beregost

After clearing the Nashkel Mines of kobolds and discovering Mulahey, Aegon and his troupe make their way to Beregost. There they hope to find Tranzig, the man behind both the sabotage of the mines and the bandit troubles in the Coast.

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