The first season of The Next Generation is generally considered one of the weakest in the series, leading many fans to recommend skipping it altogether. Among its missteps, one moment is often singled out: the abrupt and seemingly meaningless death of Tasha Yar.
Star Trek
One of the most popular Sci-Fi franchises of all time.
Discovery Gets the Mystery Right
The final series of Discovery is airing right now. I’ve always had an issue with the storytelling in certain nuTrek series. I’ve talked a lot about this with Picard, but Discovery, while a better series, has had the same mystery box since the beginning.
How to Fix Star Trek: Picard
Star Trek: Picard is a recent series about an older retired Picard being sucked back into the life of adventure. It had a very mixed reception, perhaps being the most poorly received series by fans. While it had some highs here and there, it never really stuck the landing.
Stargate SG-1: Dial Up Sci-Fi
A series about a team of soldiers that regularly travel to other planets by means of a device known as the Stargate. It flips the conspiracy-theory genre on its head, putting us on the side of the conspirators.