
One of the men sending messages to Mulahey.

Bandit Leaders in Beregost

Aegon and his troupe have returned to Beregost, hunting those behind the sabotage of the Nashkel Mines. In their letters to Mulahey they showed a connection to the bandits on the Coast, suggesting a larger conspiracy is at play.

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The Blacksmiths of Beregost

After clearing the Nashkel Mines of kobolds and discovering Mulahey, Aegon and his troupe make their way to Beregost. There they hope to find Tranzig, the man behind both the sabotage of the mines and the bandit troubles in the Coast.

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Nashkel: A Hero’s Welcome

The Troupe have uncovered Mulahey’s plot and discovered it is linked to the bandits that plague the Sword Coast. Having left through the kobold tunnels beneath the mine, they make their way back to Nashke, to the Mayor, Berrun Ghastkill.

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Window Shopping at the Carnival

On their first visit to the Nashkel Carnival, Neera asks for Aegon’s help to track down the experience wild mage, Adoy. The party encounters the elf, Aerie, whose mentor is being held hostage by a mage known as Zordral. They step inside his tent, not knowing what to expect.

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