
The goddess of luck in the Forgotten Realms.

Assault on the Bandit Leaders

After spending a few days in Restenford, Aegon and Rose have assembled a new party to once again return to the Bandit Camp. They stand before Tazok’s tent, visions of death swirling in Aegon’s mind. They don’t know what they will encounter inside, but this time they will be prepared.

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Caverns Beneath Bone Hill

The troupe have defeated the Wraith and its minions with Bone Hill Castle, preventing an invasion of Restenford. However, the motivations of the Wraith are still unclear. Perhaps they can find answers within the caverns they uncovered beneath the Castle.

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Disorganising of the Gnolls

The Troupe leaves the town of Restenford for the first time. They make their way toward Tri-Top, the source of the gnoll attacks. Somehow their assaults on the towns defenses have become more frequent and better organised, and the Troupe has been tasked to find out why.

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