The Battle of the Londoners

The Londoner movement is gaining too much traction. We are struggling to maintain our supply of coal and it’s getting even harder to maintain hope for our future. If I can just keep the people warm, I can maintain order and get us through this everlasting winter.

Our propaganda campaigns are starting to work. Some of the Londoners have decided to stay in the city. It’s the first time their numbers have decreased.

We are barely making enough fuel to heat the city. The deliveries from the coal mine outpost save us each day, but what if they don’t make it one day?

Order must be maintained so society can move forward. This sometimes means we need to keep people off the streets. I have ordered the construction of a prison to rehabilitate those who step out of line.

The foremen are inspiring the workers and improving our productivity. If more people step up we may be able to make it through.

One of our scout units have returned with some steam cores. We can use them to construct more automatons and ease our citizens’ workload.

They tell of a city lit up by electrical discharge. I send them back out into the wasteland to investigate the site. Perhaps we can harvest power from it somehow.

Our prison is ready, but we don’t have many workers to spare. It will be understaffed until we can free up more workers.

Another of our citizens has tragically died. A memorial was held in his honour. Hopefully that will ease our people’s grief. I hope he will be the last, though I know he won’t.

The thieves in the city are getting bolder, raiding our supplies. I need to increase our patrols to try and catch them in the act.

The Londoners have gone too far this time – murdered one of our guardsmen. I order them sent to our new prison in the hope that they will see the error of our ways.

Our scouts have found more survivors. The number of people in our city are growing. They can bring more workers, at the cost of more homes to heat with our diminishing coal supply.

We have developed a new medical facility that can be more efficient. Our doctors can now use better treatments so our citizens can return to work sooner.

Another freeze is coming and heat will be our main problem. I order our engineers to develop better ways of heating our workspaces.

Our children are learning to trust the guardsmen. Order will be easier to maintain if the youngest trust the Order.

Our engineers have improved our small heaters, and now they say they can increase the range of our central heat generator with some more research.

Our scouts have returned with more survivors. I will put them to work building new homes right away. We will need more heat for them, but they can help gather more coal.

The scouts go back out again. They say they saw signs of survivors in a snow cliff. Perhaps they will return with even more survivors.

Our guardsmen have caught the thief. They will remain in our prison until they have learned how to obey the Order.

I introduce a new Pledge of Loyalty. Citizens will be able to swear their fealty to the Order, and become informers. They can help us to defeat the Londoners.

Our scouts reached the Tesla City, but all contact with them was lost. We can only assume they died trying to explore the charged ruins.

We have found signs of a dreadnought, an American boat. I have formed a new scout team to go out and investigate the site.

Our engineers have made a new automaton. I have assigned it to work on the coal mines. It is less efficient, but it can work overnight.

Our engineers have increased the range of our steam hub. It should be easier to keep the city warm now.

We have built a new outpost at Winterhome, the fallen city. There is a good supply of wood here that can be transported back to our city.

The Londoners are getting bolder. Graffiti in the streets encouraging people to abandon the city. I don’t want to raise dissent. I order it removed so no one has the chance to see it again.

With our coal running low I’ve ordered people to work longer shifts in the mines. Now one of our citizens has died in an accident. We must survive, but I am pushing them too hard.

We have a lot of wood, too much for our stores. Perhaps we can convert some of it to charcoal and use it to fuel our heat generator.

Our informants have found a traitor amongst our engineers. They are doing their job well after signing a pledge to the Order.

To combat the Londoners and improve our efficiency as workers I have constructor Agitators. They will spread the word of the Order and combat the message of the few remaining Londoners.

Our scouts have found the dreadnought full of death. It is to be expected in these times. At least there are resources we can use. More steam cores for our automatons.

The cliffs held an abandoned refuge and a diary. A captain appointed himself leader and the city rebelled against him. A warning of things to come if I can’t stop the Londoners.

Or if I can’t keep the city warm. Our generator has no fuel and may shut down soon. People are cold. I must not let the Londoners use this against us.

Another accident, this time an entire workforce has been wiped out. The citizens cannot find out or they will lose hope.

Scouts have returned with more steam cores. I send them out to find a research station that is near the dreadnought.

Our second scout unit returns again. They go out again to explore the ice corridor beyond the dreadnought.

The Londoner movement has fallen, despite our cold homes. It’s a testament to the work of the guardsmen and our propaganda department.

But the cold is killing us. I order another infirmary built, but I fear we cannot keep up even with this new facility.

Some of our informants have started to abuse their positions. They must be brought to Order.

The Londoners may be defeated, but we have a new problem. More survivors have found our city. Normally this would be a good thing, but they bring with them portents of doom.

People are still sick, but our medical facilities are catching up. People are happier.

The long winter is getting colder and it doesn’t look like things will get better. I cannot make empty promises this time. Even I am losing hope.

The research station uncovers little more information, but there are at least some resources we can use.

We have enough wood, so I have asked the Winterhome outpost to relocate to Tesla City. They will bring steam cores that we can use to build more automatons.

The Londoners are gone, but there is still dissent within the city. The culprit must be found and rehabilitated. We need to maintain Order.

Our scouts have found signs of another dreadnought. There may not be survivors, but there will be resources we can use.

The Londoners are defeated, but there is only more cold ahead. Hopes are high, but there is still discontent. With the city getting colder, we still have a long road ahead of us.

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