The Curse of Captain Brage

The Troupe, having explored the border between the Sword Coast and Amn, now make their way to the north. Ogres and gibberlings may be dead, but there are still bandits prowling the area. North will lead them to the Cloakwood, and to Tazok, the leader of the bandits.

27 Flamerule 1368

After defeating the bears in the cave, I take some time to study the scrolls I have in my scroll case. I think I can master some of the more advance spells now. The first scroll I study allows be to summon Lightning Bolts from the Weave.

I also learn a spell that can protect us from divinations. An extra layer of invisibility.

I also study a scroll that can Slow our enemies. This could keep them at bay long enough for Khalid to pick them off.

I try, but fail to learn a better way to Charm a subject. I do, however, learn a spell to protect against ranged weapons.

Another attack spell, the Force Lance, turns out to still be beyond my abilities. I do learn how to use the Weave to Dispel Magics though. Now I can use both Corellon’s blessings and the Weave to disrupt enemy mages.

Conjuring Flame Arrows proves beyond my abilities, as does the creation of Mirror Images.

With my studies complete, I tell the rest that I am ready to leave. They had been resting after the fight, but now they are waiting for me.

We travel to the north, back along the Bear River. As we are moving through a canyon we hear a strange sound and draw our weapons. The wolf that runs out in front of us seems nonplussed when it spots us.

We lower our guard as it saunters away, and we move on.

Our next encounter is a bit more violent. Small green furry creatures with catlike eyes lunge from the trees at us, spears pointed toward us. Tasloi. I read that they like to attack from the trees. Khalid is quick with his bow.

Cat helps Rose hold them back as we pick them off one by one.

Rose gathers the spears and a few coins from their corpses, and we move on.

A lone tasloi attempts to get the drop on us. Rose spots it and takes care of the problem quickly.

It is a short walk north to a troubling scene. Horses, men, and women lay here slaughtered. The blood has dried out, and flies buzz around the rotting corpses. The stench is unbearable.

A woman spots us and calls out to us. She seems distraught.

Verr’Sza: The fool must have been cursed. That blade she mentioned may be it.

Rose: Who is this Brage you speak of?

Laryssa: Before this curse befell him, he was captain of the guard in Nashkel. I am his cousin, Laryssa. For all the bonds of love and blood, save him from his present agony if there be a way to do so.

I remember the name. Oublek said there was a bounty on his head. We could earn some coin here, though something doesn’t feel right about it. We move past Laryssa past the corpses and see a man covered in dried blood.

Aegon: Death.

I say it without thinking.

Brage: The end of night, where the light shines unto mine eyes and I can see clearly once again! What hath I wrought?! ‘Tis horrible, HORRIBLE! I will welcome the block that must await me at Nashkel! How could I live with what I’ve done?! Please, thou must guide me to the town that I might pay for my crimes! I fear I can keep my senses for only so long, and must not be allowed to do this again! Too many good people have lost their lives to me! Please…

Rose: We’ll see you back as safe as we can, though I don’t see how killing you will help those that have died. We shall take you to the temple of Helm in hopes that you may be healed.

Brage: I fear I can do nothing for those I’ve wronged, whether I live or die, and I still do not know what led me to this. It’s like a fould presence in my mind! I can only imagine that I have finally succumbed to battle fatigue. Take my weapon that I might not harm another! Use it if you wish, though I’d rather it be destroyed. Innocent blood on everything! I’d only just acquired the sword. Such a waste this has been. Take me to Nashkel, I can bear this no longer.

Death. The answer came so quickly. I have seen so much of it lately. I had never experienced death until father…

We leave with him at once. We take turns to comfort him, but we don’t let on that half the reason we are doing it is to keep an eye on him.

I can tell the sword he gave us is cursed. It sends the user into a blind rage every time they get into a fight. I can see how this could have pushed Brage to do the things he did, but it might be useful in the right hands.

He also gives us a potion he had. He says he has no need for it anymore.

We go east, back toward Nashkel. We make good time.

We sneak Brage into the temple before anyone can recognise him. When we get inside he starts to break down.

Nalin: Calm yourself, Brage. Helm sees all that he wishes and knows much of what you do not. It was your hands indeed that did many a foul deed, but it was not your will alone. Intent is vital, and yours was influenced without your knowledge. Justice will be done, but with atonement, not punishment.

Rose: I pity him… I think I couldn’t stand losing the ones I love by my hand…

Brage: But my crimes… my family… I don’t want to go on!

Nalin: If you are returned to the garrison, yours will be the only willful killing that has occurred about this matter. It will be a waste of your life which, fractured though it is, can still contribute much. Helm will see you through. As for our intrepid friends here, I shall exceed the reward offered by Oublek. After all, it was the same task of bringing Brage to justice. The temple is in your debt for the return of his lost son.

Nalin goes to the altar and returns with a bag containing 1000 coins. I notice Khalid is a little off so I talk to him while Rose handles the money.

Aegon: I noticed you wince. Are you all right, Khalid?

Khalid: I suppose so. But tell me, Aegon. What does ‘all right’ really mean?

What does it really mean? Not at all left? I’ll have to ponder this question…

We go to the store to see what we can sell. Our Bag of Holding has been filling up with junk and we need to keep it organised.

Rose: I’ve got the gold, but have you anything I need?

He doesn’t have anything we need, but he’s willing to purchase everything we don’t need for some decent coin.

Our business completed, we leave to see our favourite svirfneblin.

Karaea is happy to see us again.

Rose: I believe you mentioned liking gooseberries? I have some here.

Karaea Harfurthock: I love gooseberries! They’re my favourite!

Can I buy them from you?

Rose: Here, take them as a gift.

Karaea Harfurthock: Ooh! Wonderful! Now I can make my favourite kind of pie!

Rose: Yes, I would like to see your wares, please.

Karaea Harfurthock: Here’s my wares, then! I hope you find something you like!

She helps us to identify the wand we found in the bear cave beneath the Gnoll Stronghold. Edwin likes the look of this wand so I let him take it.

While browsing, Rose talks to Karaea about the goods she can obtain.

Rose: I’m curious if you can provide other products than those you’ve got in stock.

Karaea Harfurthock: Are you pulling my short gnomish leg, Rose? Don’t I have more than enough shoes for you and all your friends, one for each day of the week? Maybe each day of the month? Why do you ask, anyway?

Rose: Oh, your boots are quite plentiful. With your skill, however, are there no opportunities for enhancing them? I’ll pay generously, of course.

Karaea Harfurthock: Hmm, well I do have costs to cover. Ordinarily, I’d help however I could, but my skills are… limited. What exactly are you looking for?

Rose: You have some fancy footwear here, so you should have some connections beyond just Aurora. Is it possible to secure a special deal?

Karaea Harfurthock: Hmm, I dunno. It’s not like my usual supplier has anything additional. You might be better off hiring a transmuter who’ll modify the boots. Not that I know a transmuter. Hmm, well there is this crazy old half-elf hermit…

He doesn’t really create items but instead messes around with existing ones, combining and changing them. He’s not really right in the head though, so I can’t guarantee the quality of his work. I have no magical skill myself beyond a few illusions, though that probably wouldn’t help you much.

I think he can be bribed to refashion some materials and make them work better than before. But there’s a problem, now that I think of it. Last I heard, he was short on supplies, much like I am, so I doubt he can be compelled to work even if you pay fifteen thousand gold coins.

Rose: A hefty sum indeed. But before I consider it, what can I expect from this transmuter of yours?

Karaea Harfurthock: Hee hee! You’re funny, Rose. I said *even* if you pay that much. He just has no materials to work on, that’s the problem. So you may have to wait a bit. But since you’re interested, I’ll see if I can get in touch with him and let you know if the situation changes.

Rose: What kind of material does he need?

Karaea Harfurthock: He transmutes items, combining them with qualities of all the ingredients. So he needs certain materials, things not easily obtained in shops. In other words, he takes special items and hacks around with them a bit. Usually, something better comes from the tinkering. Or so we hope.

Rose: Are these materials something I can provide?

Karaea Harfurthock: Ooh, I’m not really sure, Rose. If you wish, I can try to find out, but it’ll take some time to track him down. Five hundred should be enough, I suppose.

Rose: Here you go.

She hands the svirfneblin half the bounty we were given for saving Brage.

Karaea Harfurthock: Fair enough. I’ll see if I can get a quick response, so come back tomorrow. I’ll let you know what I find out then.

Rose: Okay. Now let’s get back to usual business.

Karaea Harfurthock: Here’s my wares, then! I hope you find something you like!

With Rose’s business done, we look at the shoes Karaea has to offer. We find shoes that should help Khalid put his military training to use.

For Edwin we purchase some boots that should make him battle-ready and more capable with his bow.

Before we leave the town we return to the inn to rest. We plan to go back to the Coast and continue to the north, but our plans may change in the morning. Right now, a good night’s sleep in a real bed is what we need. It’s been a few days…

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