The Folly of Charleston Nib

Having saved Captain Brage from the curse of his sword, the Troupe buys some new boots from Nashkel’s resident svirfneblin. They now return to the wilderness in search of the Cloakwood once again. But the wilds are often full of unexpected dangers.

29 Flamerule 1368

We spend a day travelling out of Nashkel, back toward the area where we found Brage. Night descends upon us as we travel through a canyon. As it closes in on us we hear the familiar, but unwelcome, screeching of xvarts.

We’ve dealt with an entire village of these before, but we should still be wary. Rose draws the Chesley Crusher, and is joined by Cat in her charge toward the blue creatures. Khalid, careful with his aim, sends an arrow through the eye of one of Cat’s attackers.

Rose carves her way through the xvarts, while Khalid picks them off from afar. Edwin sees a shot and takes it, cracking open one of their skulls.

I almost feel guilt for slaying more of their kin. In the south we ended up wiping out an entire village. It felt like self-defense at the time, but it may have been a misunderstanding. And now xvarts attack us at any chance they get. And we defend ourselves. Then I feel the guilt again.

We search their corpses, but find only trinkets. We have no need for any rest – we barely broke a sweat with these xvarts. We continue through the night down the valley. The sun slowly rises and we encounter no more trouble on our path.

As the sun reaches its peak we stumble across a familiar scene. Even the horses didn’t survive Brage’s curse. Flies buzz around the already-rotting corpses. Jaheira remarks that nature has already started to claim what remains of the former captain’s family.

We move away from the cursed place. We pass by a bear that pays us no mind. Perhaps it fed itself well on the supplies that remained in Brage’s caravan.

We pass through a wooded area when we are approached by a hobgoblin. It is armed like a bandit, but we are unsure if it is of the Chill clan. Needless to say, we ready ourselves for another bandit attack.

Rose: Who is this Ba’ruk and what is he going to do about it?

Ba’ruk: Me be Ba’ruk and you make me angry! Attack them!

Rose really has a mean streak in her. Before he can get close, we hit Ba’ruk hard, and it looks like he is not long for this world. But his friends come out from behind the trees. Kobold commandos, armed with flaming arrows. They take aim at Rose.

Ba’ruk attempts to flee, and I attempt to use the Weave to put the kobolds to Sleep. Several flaming arrows impale Rose, and flames coat her robes. She screams, almost in panic, but manages to maintain her composure.

She pops the lid off a Potion of Superior Healing and quickly consumes it. As her wounds close I see her determination return. Unfortunately, the Weave is not good to me today, as only one of the kobolds are put to Sleep. Damn it! Why do you fail me now?

Cat charges into one of the kobolds, tearing it apart with his claws. He purrs as he moves toward his next target. The other kobolds try to keep their distance. They clearly need to rely on their arrows.

I decide to take away their advantage. The Weave is kinder to me this time, protecting Rose from their flaming arrows.

With her new found invulnerability, she draws the commandos fire while we pick them off at range. Though still wounded, she is confident as she swings the Crusher at the commandos.

On seeing his commotion, a wild dog loses control and attempts to bite into Rose. It gets introduced to the Chesley Crusher.

Cat shows his savagery again as he chases down Ba’ruk and slays the hobgoblin. Cat struts away from his corpse looking proud.

We don’t let the sleeping kobold wake up again. I don’t know if these were bandits, or just aggressive. The last time we found kobolds to be working with hobgoblins, they were both involved with the Iron Throne. Perhaps these were bandits as well, but I’m worried Rose may have been too hasty to challenge them. I decide not to bring this up with her.

Khalid gathers up the Arrows of Fire that the kobolds were using. Setting our opponents on fire will give him an edge.

We find a milestone indicating there is an excavation nearby. This could be something worth exploring, so we set out to try and find the dig site.

We search the area and find a group of men working hard at excavating a ruin. Rose approaches their leader.

Charleston Nib: You there! State your business, but don’t move from where you stand! I don’t want to have to sic the boys on you!

Rose: Relax, we mean no harm to ye. Have ye had much trouble?

Charleston Nib: Have we? Aye, and plenty of it. Nary an eve goes by without us losing another hand to the night. I swear, if we could just get a few moments of uninterrupted digging done… say, you wouldn’t be willing to do a little service for me, would you? You could do a lot worse than working for ol’ Charleston Nib.

Rose: I would like to know just what I would be protecting. What are you doing here? Looks to be glorified grave robbing in nothing but a decrepit tomb.

Charleston Nib: You are partially right, though it’s not a tomb, but an ancient settlement. It is also all that remains of a primitive race long since extinct, and we know little about their culture save that they seem to have destroyed themselves in war. Perhaps today we will learn something more. We are just about to break through to an inner chamber, perhaps the dwelling of the village shaman himself. Mayhaps you could be of assistance to us? We need but keep the camp secure a short while longer. Your very presence would probably dissuade anyone from attacking us, though I do not know the force behind our misfortune. They seem to take great pleasure in minor sabotage and kidnapping, though some of the missing men may have just run off from fear. Nothing is ever stolen, which is odd for bandits, but they must still be the cause. Will you help us?

Rose: It would be an honour to help you learned people in your quest for knowledge.

Charleston Nib: Gracious we are! Now we stand a chance of completing the most exciting day of our dig! We’re going to try for an entire new room today, possibly the shaman or the chieftain quarters! We could find any number of relics within. Move amongst the men as you will, as your presence will no doubt reassure them.

He leaves us to get back to organising his men. As he walks away another man approaches Rose with an offer.

Gallor: First, my name is Gallor. Second, we never had this conversation. I’m the “partner” of that old mister Charleston you met, except I’m non too thrilled about the non-profit aspects of the whole thing. The old man seems to think we should donate all our findings to some museum, whereas I am ever so much more practical. I should think certain people would pay dearly for the magical treasure we are about to unearth, and if they would be so eager, who are we to stand in their way? I would like you to steal the item and “remove” Mr. Nib from my little equation. You up to the task?

Rose: Magical Treasure? I was under the impression that no one knows what is to be found there. Why are you so sure of it’s value?

Gallor: Old mister Nib would never admit it, but that is mainly because he doesn’t want to jinx the dig. From what I could decipher in the ancient writings, the final room contains “the plate that provides bounty, leading food unto god.” Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that means. Obviously, the item under all that dirt and rubble is enchanted such that it “provides bounty.” Whether it’s through increased crops, or good hunting, I care not. Regardless, an object of that age and enchantment should command a hefty price and I intend to see that it does. You can be a part of it if you wish.

Rose glances at me, and I understand. We don’t want any part in the murder of an innocent. I shake my head at her and she turns back to Gallor.

Rose: I would have to kill many of the working men if I attacked Charleston. It would be a veritable slaughter, and I want no part of it.

Gallor: Blast you! You are playing just as safe as the old man! So be it; I will find other means to acquire a fair measure of profit from this fiasco! Best you continue on whatever errand you be on.

He leaves in a rush, obviously angry, but I think also afraid he might get caught. I ponder for a moment if he might be behind the disappearances. I’m not sure how that would help his goals – perhaps it makes things easier if less people are around.

Rose tells us we need to keep moving, so we follow her and find Charleston Nib at the entrance to the tomb.

We follow him through the low stone door-frame into the cave. Excepting a light wind, it is eerily quiet inside. I see the remnants of the ancient culture our archeologist is so excited about. Carved pieces of stone, probably used as support structures, or furniture. Primitive paintings of animals and hunters on the walls.

Through another stone archway, we enter a second chamber where there is a deep well, covered in wooden beams by the workers to prevent people falling in. As we continue through I realise we are seeing real history within these confined walls. Things are getting darker, and the wind is barely a whisper now.

We follow Charleston through another archway, reaching the workers who are clearing out a third chamber. The air in here is stale, making it almost hard to breathe. This place has been entombed for a long time.

Digger: Hey boss man, I don’t feel so good. How old is the air in this place?

Charleston Nib: A good question, young man. I would guess that we are the first people to walk this room in nearly five thousand years. The very gods of Netheril would have been young at that time.

Digger: Is so… is so cold in here… I feel… strange.

I hear… I hear a voice… in my head…

There seems to be something in his voice, his eyes. They widen as if by some horrific realisation. Or is he pleading, begging for help?

Digger: I hear the hollow voice, but it is but a mumble! Speak up! Speak up and guide mine hands! RAAAAAAAGH!

You… I see what you are! There is power to be had from your death! Your blood will quiet the voice! BLOOD WILL QUIET!


The digger lowers his spear and prepares to attack. We draw our weapons. Looks like we might have to kill one of the workers anyway.

Before we can engage we notice the other diggers have a strange look in their eyes. The glint of their spears threatening us. Should we retreat? Can we? They are innocent. They don’t deserve death.

But the doorways here are small and hard to pass. One of the diggers tries to stick his spear in me. I manage to dodge the strike, but I don’t want to fight back. Then Jaheira strikes him down with a bullet. She nods at me, and I quickly nod back at her. It’s a matter of survival now. We have no choice.

This is going to be a bloodbath. I swing Bashrik’s Hammer at the nearest digger and his neck snaps. Then I am stuck by multiple spears. The world starts fading. Am I going to die again? Will this turn into another vision?

I manage to take a step back and swallow a Potion of Remarkable Healing. Meanwhile, Rose rips a digger in half with her Chesley Crusher.

No sooner am I healed than I am stuck with a spear again. The pain is intense, almost paralysing. Rose rushes over to help before they can finish the job.

I fall back and my attacker is killed by an arrow. Edwin seems proud that he has managed to save my life. I clutch the open wound in my stomach as I pull away from the fight.

Rose slays the penultimate digger, and the only one remaining charges at Edwin. The look on his face as he realises he’s made himself a target now.

Edwin retreats and the spearman tries to follow, but Rose is quick with her Crusher. Blood and viscera cover the cavern.

After the battle I use all the blessings I have to bring myself back to full strength. I feel uneasy, as I’m sure the others do. We just slaughtered a group of innocent people. A curse laid upon them led to their deaths by our hand. We turned down Gallor to prevent this, and it happened anyway. I have killed a lot since I left the keep, but this? This is different somehow.

The quiet seems to fill the cavern. Even the wind cannot be heard anymore. Rose breaks the silence to ask Charleston Nib what the hell that was all about.

Charleston Nib: It’s sad, really. I had sought to bring a little life back to a long extinct people, and look what I wrought. Certainly some things are better off remaining dead. Here is your pay for the time you have spent here. Your services are no longer required. Everyone pack up! We are leaving this accursed place!

Rose: Yes, we should leave. You should watch out for your partner, Gallor. He wanted me to kill you so he could profit from your find. Tread carefully.

He gives us 500 gold coins and praises us as heroes.

Khalid is torn over the fight. He feels he has taken many innocent lives. I remind him of the man’s soul we just saved, a man who was forced by a curse to take innocent lives. We can all relate to Brage’s suffering now. These men did not deserve to die. I suggest we all take a moment. We can’t let something like this happen again.

Khalid says there is wisdom in these words.

Before the archeologist leaves, he tells us an idea he has for another dig site.

Rose: Sure, we can take them on, no matter what the ‘spirits’ are.

Charleston Nib: Thank you. I have the scroll containing the seal that will allow you to get inside. The entrance is protected by a ward, made by my friend, a mage, to keep out any accidental passers by. You know what I mean, now. So take this scroll, you will be able to pass through the entrance unimpeded.

He gives us a scroll containing the location of the Firewine Ruins, and a note that it should act as a key. There are words that look arcane, perhaps runes, but I can’t decipher them.

Charleston Nib leaves the chamber expecting us to follow him, but Rose can’t resist some looking around. After Cat confirms to me he cant find any traps on it, Rose opens the carved stone chest in the middle of this chamber. Inside she finds a small statue depicting a god I once read about in my studies.

I suggest to Rose that it probably isn’t a good idea to take a cursed statue from this place. She hesitates for a moment. She counters that the curse has already taken many lives, and their sacrifices should not be in vain. We could still gain knowledge from their sacrifice. Or at least a little coin. I agree that she makes a good point.

She also pulls out a crossbow from the stone chest. It is remarkably preserved. It has to be enchanted somehow. Verr’Sza says that it feels good in his hands.

We make our way back out of the structure, through the low doorways. When we get outside, Charleston Nib is nowhere to be seen, nor are any of his men. All there is is a blurry figure that approaches us. As it gets closer we make out an armoured skeleton with red jewels embedded in its suit. Its eyes glow read as it speaks in slow echoing slurs.

Rose: What are you trying to say? Speak, and I shall see if I can help you.

Rose looks horrified, as if she realises this may be her doing. Maybe she knows she shouldn’t have taken the idol.

Doomsayer: Hhellp? Nooo hhhelp for theee… only sleeeep… eternity sleeeeep of one forgottt… deathh of godsss… idol take theeee wwwwhile you hold… I reclaimmm! Oro lan t’ola osa KOZAH!

“Kozah” again. That confirms the idol is protected by a curse. By this beast.

Dammit Rose, I told you not to take it.

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