Aegon and the Troupe have just managed to slay a wyrmling, a young dragon, at the request of the druid Selene. Unsure if it was the beast that Selene wished to be destroyed, the troupe make their way back through the spider’s nest to deliver its head to her.
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Our way back from the cliffs isn’t without its trials. Spiders follow our scent and the vibrations we make in the webs. The bites from the smaller spiders are annoying, but the huge spiders hinder our path more directly.

Thankfully we are used to these creatures by now. We clear our path with minimal resistance.

The Cloakwood isn’t done with us yet, however. Khalid spots a phase spider moving toward our position on the cliffs and calls out a warning.

It teleports to White, who finds himself flailing against claw-like spider legs.

As Khalid rushes to help the barbarian, Coran hits it in the base of its head with an arrow. Our way is clear once again.

We don’t encounter any more spiders on our way back to Selene, though Ettercap and spider corpses remind us of the way back. She is pleased to see us with the dragon’s head.

Selene’s lips curl into a pleased smile as she takes the head from us, but I can’t shake the thought that we might have slain the wrong creature. Was this truly the unnatural beast she feared? I push the thought aside as she presses the ring into my palm.
I recognise a symbol of Akanal etched on the inside. It is a ring of protection, once used by the guardian of a princess’s tomb. Tomb raiders have always been around, and treasures like these are often found being passed around. Khalid is our protector, so he slips it onto his index finger.

We travel westward once again, through the spider’s den once more. We leave the carcasses behind us and travel into the night. As we travel I tell Coran how I came to be an adventurer.

Aegon: Not surprisingly, I like you too, Coran. We vagabonds and bon vivants need to band together!
Coran: I suggest we drink a flagon or two of good wine to celebrate our companionship in the next half-decent tavern, then tell a fair maiden or two of our incredible adventures. Come now, let us go adventuring before somber paladins kill all the dragons, all the maidens turn into old wives, and the wine runs out!
Coran’s grin is infectious. After the wyrmling, the spiders, and the wyverns, it’s a relief to hear someone talk of wine and adventure like it’s all just a game. For a moment, I let myself believe it too.
The trees close in around us once more, though the sun still manages to hit the undergrowth. There are less webs now, and we are no longer crawling with spiders. We come to a clearing and take a moment to enjoy the sun. It is then that we hear something in the trees. Wyverns emerge either side of us, their barbed tails swiping ready to sting.

Khalid holds the line and keeps one of the wyverns at bay. White calls out to Jaheira as another swoops in at her from behind. He hits it with an arrow in an attempt to slow its attacks.

Khalid’s wyvern thrusts its barbed tail at Khalid. He tries to deflect it, but it goes straight past his shield and pierces his chest. He lets out a shout as poison starts to seep into his body.
He can handle some poison so the rest of the party tries to kill the wyvern attacking Jaheira, while I ask the Weave to show them Horrors hoping to scare them away.

Though my spell has no effect on the lizards, Khalid manages to knock a wyvern out with a heavy blow from his shield. I’m almost stunned at this, but remember I need to protect Jaheira. Khalid takes this opportunity to consume an Elixir of Health.

The other wyvern is cut and bleeding profusely. It must be close to death, but in a desperate rage it strikes Jaheira a few times, nearly sending her to the Lunar Lady.

Jaheira stumbles back, blood soaking her tunic where the wyvern’s claws tore through. She gasps for breath, her hand trembling as she reaches for a spell. Too slow. The beast rears back to strike again, and I move on instinct, Bashrik’s Hammer in hand.

Jaheira is breathing heavily, barely able to stand. But she is determined. She screams as she finds a sudden burst of strength, and with surprising precision she delivers the final blow to the wyvern with a sling bullet.

Khalid is still putting up a good fight against the other wyvern. Now that we aren’t distracted, Coran is able to finish off our second assailant.

Coran says we should get the heads. They will fetch a high price in Beregost if we bring them to the mayor. The stench is unbearable as Khalid saws through their necks. By the time we are done they are already swarming with flies.
I ask him if there being more than one wyvern could be a problem. He just smiles, and says that it will lead to more bounties, and more wine.
We leave the bodies behind and continue on our way to the west. As we do night falls and the air becomes less stale. Jaheira seems more cautious than usual, weapon always at the ready and startled by any snap of a twig. I ask her if she’s okay, and she tells us we should be wary of Shadow Druids. Of all the dangers we have encountered thus far, she says, the Shadow Druids will be the most dangerous.
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Later in the night we come to a stream near a river and Jaheira stops us. She recognises this part of the forest.

Jaheira: Their attempts to encourage people to abandon the attainment of civilisation and return to more primitive existence as hunters and gatherers are often carried out with aggression and violence. While they think themselves as caring for Nature and Balance, the means by which they fight for their goals can be cruel and evil, contrary to what the druidic order proposes. They will not let us pass through their territories without interrogation… and as soon as they see me, they might react violently. I count on your support, Aegon.
I suggest that we rest until daybreak before we enter the Shadow Druid’s domain. Many of us are wounded and need healing, Jaheira especially. The others agree and we set up camp. Clouds fill the sky as we do, and darkness creeps over us Selûne is hidden from us.
We rest until the middle of the day, when Helga and I start healing the rest of the party. We feel ready to continue, but before we do I use the Weave to discover what Chelak’s sword can do. It tells me that the sword is Spider’s Bane, forged by dwarves that lived in the Cloakwood. I can understand now why Chelak believed he would be the Hero of the Cloakwood. But if it was forged here, where did they get their ore?

I also use the Weave to Identify Jaheira’s belt. It is a belt often worn by Harpers, allowing the wearer to cast a few spells every day.

After we pack our things we cross the stream and soon find a man under attack by undead dread wolves.

I consider trying to Turn them, but Khalid and Coran cut through them quickly. Before we know it they have been destroyed.

We approach the man, a young human with a lute slung over his back. He’s panting and clutching a bottle of what appears to be some wine. I know a bard when I see one.

So there are gnolls and ogres around as well. I don’t look forward to fighting them again, but Helga seems excited at the prospect.
Aegon: Sure, give us some booze.
He passes the bottle around. Helga helps herself to a generous portion.
Eldoth: I hope you are enjoying your liquor; it is some of the best you can find. All of you are probably wondering why I’m being so generous, “obviously not from the kindness of his heart,” you think. Well, in a way, I am. You look like the type to be on the outlook for ways to improve the quality of your life. Well, I have a proposal that could help you in that endeavour.
Helga reaches over to the brandy as he talks, helping herself to more of the courage it will provide. Coran holds out his hand and Helga passes it to him.
Eldoth: You see, there’s a girl, my lover in fact, who desires to escape her father and live on her own. Her father is Entar Silvershield, one of the dukes of Baldur’s Gate. This, of course, makes her desires more difficult than that of the average city girl. However, with your assistance, we could help her escape the tyrannical clutches of Entar.
White rolls his eyes. It’s clear he’s getting bored. Jaheira and Khalid glance at eachother with unease.
Eldoth: Here’s the punchline: Since Entar’s going to be hunting us anyway, we can blackmail him for hoards of cash and not worry about our captive escaping. After all, we’re doing it all for the sake of Skie. Now, we needn’t go about this right away. In fact, I’ll help you with whatever you’re doing until we decide to head up to Baldur’s Gate. Just think of it as one favour deserving another.
He really likes to talk. His plan is interesting, but I’m not sure if extorting a Duke of Baldur’s Gate is very heroic. Still, he seems to have survived in the Cloakwood on his own for a while, even if he is prone to running away. It’s worth playing along for now to see if he proves useful.
Aegon: Sure, we could use the extra help, and your scheme sounds like it could work.
Jaheira scowls at me as I say this, none too happy with my words. I lean into her and ask her to trust me. She just nods and turns away from me.
I ask our new companion to tell us more about himself. He tells us he is both a fighter and a mage, quick with scimitar and spell alike.

He says he is a gallant, a hunter of beauty and love rather than gold and treasure.

He is able to inspire his allies with a Blessing, thanks to his musical talents.

He is also able to ward away death, especially if it comes from the Weave.

And he is a talker, a loud one. He can shout so loud it can deafen those nearby.

I let him take a look at my spellbook. He finds a scroll of Dispel Magic that he scribes to his own spellbook.

If he wants to be fighting gnolls and ogres he’s going to need better equipment. He takes out the scimitar we found on the cliffs near the spider’s domain and tells us it is the sword of an eastern prince. It seems he is better versed in lore than I.

He also takes an enchanted shortbow for a ranged weapon, though he says he prefers fighting with a scimitar.

Since he is a magic user he opts to avoid wearing armour, instead taking a Travellers Robe for some minor protection.

For some actual protection he takes some Bracers of Defense. It isn’t real armour, but their magic will make him harder to hit.

Jaheira says that our party is growing too large. If we are to use stealth against the Shadow Druids it is better to keep out numbers small. Since she has knowledge of the area, she suggests she remain. Coran and Eldoth both know the area as well. White and Helga are great warriors, but I worry about them travelling alone.
Only Khalid could handle himself on his way back. I look to him and he nods, his expression troubled but resolute. He already knows what I’m about to say. He asks Jaheira to be careful. Then he turns to me and asks me to keep her safe. I clasp his arm in farewell, understanding the weight of his words. He trusts me not only as a leader, but as a friend. I won’t fail him.

I ask Eldoth if he can help us identify any other items in our possession. We go through them together, and he is able to tell us more about Taurgosz’s hammer. It is another Rift Hammer able to launch shock waves, similar to the one wielded by Drake.

We bid Khalid a safe journey, and look to the west. Jaheira tells us that across the river is the Shadow Druid’s Grove, and reminds us that we are unlikely to get a warm welcome. But there are two missing druids we must find within their territory. We have no choice if we want any chance to save them. Into the enemy’s lair we must go.