This Time It’s Miracle Sudoku!

In my quest to play through my Steam library, I found another Sudoku game that reinvents the formula with clever new rules. It’s the third of Studio Goya’s Sudoku games that I’ve played, and this one brings 100 new puzzles, each with a different combination of rules that create interesting challenges.

First there was Thermo Sudoku where the numbers go up. Then in Sandwich Sudoku they went in-between. Now I’m playing Miracle Sudoku where they can do a number of things.

Miracle Sudoku introduces several different rules to its puzzles. Each puzzle combines one or more of these restrictions. This makes Miracle Sudoku more challenging than classic Sudoku, but the inventive rule combinations make each solve even more rewarding.

Examples of the restrictions you’ll find in the puzzles include:

  • Non-Consecutive
    Two directly adjacent cells cannot contain consecutive numbers.
  • Thermo
    Numbers on thermometers must increase from the bulb.
  • Sandwich
    Numbers on the outside indicate the total of the cells that lie between 1 and 9.
  • Miracle
    Numbers cannot be a knight’s move or a king’s move apart (as the chess pieces move).

By combining these rules, puzzles can create new deductions for you to find. For example, when the Non-Consecutive and Thermo rules are combined, you can see that numbers next to each other have to be at least 2 apart (e.g. 1-3-5 rather than 1-2-3) unless the thermometer moves diagonally.

These rules create plenty of opportunities for those satisfying ‘aha!’ moments. At one point I realised that with Miracle restrictions, a 5 being on the edge of a block means that the number can only be in one of two cells in the neighbouring block. After that I had a new tool for solving these puzzles, one that sticks with me because I was forced to figure it out myself.

Since there are many rules that don’t always apply, symbols on the top left of the screen will remind you what rules are in play. And just in case you forget what the symbols mean, you can open the help window to get a reminder of the current puzzle’s rules.

As with the other Sudoku games, you unlock harder puzzles by earning stars from completing easier puzzles, providing a progression through the game. Even if you’re new to Sudoku or intimidated by the idea of extra rules, Miracle Sudoku eases you in with simpler puzzles that gradually introduce the mechanics, ensuring anyone can enjoy the experience.

As you progress, you’ll unlock harder puzzles, some with as few as two digits as clues. The difficulty of each puzzle is reflected in its star rating, so you can gauge how difficult things will be before you start. You will usually have a few puzzles unlocked, so if you get really stumped you can still make progress by trying another one first.

Unlike the static rulesets of the other Studio Goya games, where solving multiple puzzles can become routine, Miracle Sudoku keeps players on their toes by combining restrictions. Each puzzle feels like a new challenge, ensuring no two solves are the same.

Beyond its innovative puzzles, Miracle Sudoku shares the same polished interface and intelligent hint system as the other Studio Goya games, which I’ve detailed in earlier articles.

For any Sudoku enthusiast, Miracle Sudoku is a must-play. Its creative rule combinations deliver fresh challenges in every puzzle, making it a perfect choice for players seeking variety and mental stimulation.